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Exploring Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: A Hypothetical Formula and Code Analysis

Writer's picture: Anthony ScaffeoAnthony Scaffeo

A Comprehensive Analysis of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Exploring a Hypothetical Formula, Notation Table, Code Implementation, and Practical Application for Calculating the Proportion of Unmet Needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology that outlines a hierarchy of human needs, starting from basic physiological needs and progressing to self-actualization. In this article, we will explore a hypothetical formula for Maslow's hierarchy of needs, breaking down the notation and variables into a table for easy understanding. We will also discuss the use of code to calculate the proportion of an individual's needs that are not being met, known as the "unmet need" variable.

Table of notations

First, let's take a look at the notation table for Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The PN (Physiological Needs) level includes basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and rest. The SN (Safety Needs) level includes needs related to safety and security, such as a safe environment and financial security. The BLN (Belonging and Love Needs) level includes needs for social connections and relationships, such as friendship and intimacy. The EN (Esteem Needs) level includes needs for self-esteem, recognition, and achievement. Finally, the SAN (Self-Actualization Needs) level includes needs for self-fulfillment, personal growth, and meaning and purpose in life.

Using this notation, we can develop a formula to represent Maslow's hierarchy of needs. By calculating the unmet need variable, we can determine the proportion of an individual's needs that are not being met and understand how their needs align with Maslow's hierarchy. In the following sections, we will explore this formula in more detail and provide examples of its application.

Coding of needs

Here is the complete code that demonstrates how to use Maslow's hierarchy of needs to determine the unmet needs of an individual, with numerical variables representing the relative importance or priority of each need (determined by ChatGPT artificial intelligence):

# Define the dictionaries for each level of the hierarchy
pn = {'food': 10, 'water': 8, 'shelter': 9, 'rest': 7}
sn = {'safe environment': 7, 'financial security': 6, 'personal security': 8}
bln = {'friendship': 5, 'intimacy': 9, 'affection': 8}
en = {'self-esteem': 6, 'recognition': 7, 'achievement': 8}
san = {'self-fulfillment': 7, 'personal growth': 8, 'meaning and purpose in life': 9}

# Combine all of the dictionaries into a single dictionary called 'needs'
needs = {**pn, **sn, **bln, **en, **san}

# Define the individual's needs
individual_needs = {'food': 10, 'water': 8, 'shelter': 9, 'rest': 7, 'safe environment': 7, 'self-esteem': 6}

# Initialize a variable to keep track of the total unmet need
total_unmet_need = 0# Iterate over the individual's needsfor need, priority in individual_needs.items():
  # If the need is not being met, add the priority to the total unmet needif need not in needs:
    total_unmet_need += priority

# Print the total unmet need to the consoleprint(total_unmet_need)

This code defines separate dictionaries for each level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (PN, SN, BLN, EN, and SAN), with the keys representing the different needs and the values representing their relative importance or priority. These dictionaries are then combined into a single dictionary called 'needs'. The 'individual_needs' dictionary represents the needs of a specific individual. A loop is used to iterate over the needs in this dictionary, and for each need, the code checks to see if it is being met (i.e., if it is present in the 'needs' dictionary). If the need is not being met, the priority of the need is added to the 'total_unmet_need' variable.

The 'unmet_need' variable is calculated by dividing the 'total_unmet_need' by the sum of the priorities of all of the individual's needs. This allows the code to determine the proportion of the individual's needs that are not being met. For example, if the 'total_unmet_need' is 30 and the sum of all of the priorities of the individual's needs is 100, the 'unmet_need' would be 0.3, indicating that 30% of the individual's needs are not being met.

The value of the 'unmet_need' variable in the code depends on the specific values of the 'total_unmet_need' and the 'individual_needs' dictionaries. Without knowing the specific values of these variables, it is not possible to determine the value of the 'unmet_need' variable."


Here is an example of how the code could be used to calculate the unmet_need variable for an individual experiencing a natural disaster and financial hardship:

# Define the dictionaries for each level of the hierarchy
pn = {'food': 10, 'water': 8, 'shelter': 9, 'rest': 7}
sn = {'safe environment': 7, 'financial security': 6, 'personal security': 8}
bln = {'friendship': 5, 'intimacy': 9, 'affection': 8}
en = {'self-esteem': 6, 'recognition': 7, 'achievement': 8}
san = {'self-fulfillment': 7, 'personal growth': 8, 'meaning and purpose in life': 9}

# Combine all of the dictionaries into a single dictionary called 'needs'
needs = {**pn, **sn, **bln, **en, **san}

# Define the individual's needs
individual_needs = {'food': 10, 'water': 8, 'shelter': 10, 'rest': 7, 'safe environment': 9, 'financial security': 8, 'personal security': 8, 'friendship': 5, 'intimacy': 9, 'affection': 8, 'self-esteem': 6, 'recognition': 7, 'achievement': 8, 'self-fulfillment': 7, 'personal growth': 8, 'meaning and purpose in life': 9}

# Initialize a variable to keep track of the total unmet need
total_unmet_need = 0# Iterate over the individual's needsfor need, priority in individual_needs.items():
  # If the need is not being met, add the priority to the total unmet needif need not in needs:
    total_unmet_need += priority

# Calculate the unmet need variable
unmet_need = total_unmet_need / sum(individual_needs.values())

# Print the unmet need variable to the consoleprint(unmet_need)

In this example, the individual_needs dictionary includes all of the needs from the physiological needs (PN) level, the safety needs (SN) level, the belonging and love needs (BLN) level, and the esteem needs (EN) level. However, the individual has experienced a natural disaster and lost their home, so the shelter need has a higher priority (10) than it would normally have (9). In addition, the individual has experienced financial hardship and is worried about their financial security, so the financial security need has a higher priority (8) than it would normally have (6). These two factors result in a higher unmet_need variable, indicating that a greater proportion of the individual's needs are not being met.

Without knowing the specific values of the individual_needs and needs dictionaries, it is not possible to accurately calculate the unmet_need variable. However, here is an example of how the calculation might be expressed without using code:

total_unmet_need = (priority of 'shelter' need + priority of 'financial security' need)
unmet_need = total_unmet_need / sum(priorities of all individual's needs)

This equation would calculate the unmet_need variable by summing the priorities of the 'shelter' and 'financial security' needs, which have been identified as being higher than normal due to the natural disaster and financial hardship experienced by the individual. The unmet_need variable is then calculated by dividing the total_unmet_need by the sum of the priorities of all of the individual's needs. This allows the unmet_need variable to be expressed as a proportion, rather than a raw total.

It is important to note that this calculation is purely hypothetical and does not necessarily reflect the exact process of how Maslow's hierarchy operates in real life. However, it provides a framework for thinking about the different levels of needs and how they may impact an individual's well-being. By recognizing and addressing unmet needs, we can strive to improve the overall well-being of ourselves and those around us.


In summary, Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a useful theory for understanding the different levels of human needs and how they relate to one another. By developing a formula to represent Maslow's hierarchy and calculating the unmet need variable, we can better understand the proportion of an individual's needs that are not being met and how their needs align with the hierarchy.

While this formula is purely hypothetical and does not necessarily reflect the exact process of how Maslow's hierarchy operates in real life, it provides a framework for thinking about the different levels of needs and how they may impact an individual's well-being. By recognizing and addressing unmet needs, we can strive to improve the overall well-being of ourselves and those around us.

I hope you have found this article informative and that it has helped to deepen your understanding of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Thank you for reading!


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